Friday 28 January 2011

127 Hours

As with most films that come out, this was not without hype. The director, Danny Boyle is well-known, especially for his most recent work, "Slumdog Millionaire'. The lead actor, James Franco is probably best known in recent times for his role in Spiderman. But this film was NO Spiderman.

It's the true story of Aron Ralston, a mountain climber who finds myself in very real trouble when, due to a freaky incident, finds himself stuck, literally, as his book puts it, "Between a rock and a hard place." That's basically what it's about. But even if that doesn't do it for you, seeing his performance just might. After all, it was nominated for six Academy awards.

A film that is 94 minutes long and about that subject matter means the actor really needs to pull it off......and he does! He's convincing as a rock climber and outdoors guy and his time spent saying his 'farewells' to his family, come through well.

But the real clincher in it all is when he decides to take serious action, choosing between life and death. Breaking the bone is not something everyone will like watching and even less so is the scene where he cuts through the flesh with what seems like a pathetic little knife. It all looked very real, at least to me anyway. And then there's the cutting of the nerve itself. Full prizes to how he portrays himself in that part - the sheer expression on his face carries with it the effect of someone who could easily have passed out! It was not easy watching but it was well worth it for those of us with stronger dispositions.

In all though, it was a good movie to watch. It was your typical Hollywood action blockbuster but that's good. Those movies can be really run-of-the-mill after a while and you can get seriously fed up with them. This film was definitely worth the hype! Go see it, I dare ya!

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